Friday, June 29, 2007

My one year Experience

I would like to express my transition from real freedom to assumed freedom. I am here talking about my transition from my college to the booming IT industry. I would like to pour my one year experience of the so called glamorous and fun filled IT industry.
We used to wander those spacious heat filled open grounds and dirty class rooms with just 50Rs. in pocket and plan the whole week with that budget. But now we wander along the well cleaned, fully air-conditioned corridors with about five to six credit cards in our pocket planningwhere to swipe the cards. Credit cards eagerly waiting to eat next month's salary. I can't believe that it was just one year before thatthe 50Rs. seemed to be lacks now, lacks seems to be nothing.College canteen, Tea shops were the favorite hot spots where we spent hours together, having a hearty chat with our buddies forgetting thewhole world. But now Cafe Day, Quickies, Baristas have taken those places. What a coffee cost 2.5Rs last year has now gone up to 50Rs acup.Those precious days where we used to laugh for nothing, while chatting or while playing or even when you fail in your paper because you havegot 30 marks for a empty paper. But now you rarely smile except the smile for the forward you just received or the smile to your PM toimpress him.

Hate ness and Ego were the words you haven't heard in those days. You smash or hit your friend for some reason and the next moment you walk along him with hands on his shoulders. But now you doesn't like the guy sitting beside you because he's getting a salary 10k greater that you orhe's always being appreciated by your PM. True friends are hard to find here.In college if some one is talking badly about your college you can find your blood boiling inside even though you don't like your principal. Buthere loyalty is the lost word, whenever someone is talking badly about your company you join them to criticize your company. You join thecompany with the resignation day in the mind, is this loyalty.

You have seen the late nights only on the eve of the exam, where you rely on your friend to wake him/ her at night 1 or 2. And how can weforget those last minute tensions in exam, you remember that only just before entering the exam you find that you have forgotten to revise aimportant question that your friend suggested that it will surely appear on this exam. You rush back and flip those Xeroxed pages with tension.But today you work at least 2 days a week till 1 or 2 in the night to deliver something to your unknown client who is at US or UK. You areaimlessly typing at the useless word document that your PM asked you to finish with his tailor made smile. Loads of tension with calls from home, with your eye lids eager to kiss each other and you promise them to allow it a little later, cursing Bill Gates for inventing MSWord.Writing all these to celebrate my first anniversary at this field. It seems I have been in my own desert where I have realized that I ammoving from the warmth ness of the Oasis to chase a mirage. A mirage that promises a lot of thing, but still it’s just a mirage. When I turnback I can find thousands chasing that mirage with a ID card around their neck. I wish all the best for them.

---->the above story was mailed by one of my fraternity .I found the exact feel in myself and thought of posting this inorder to present in a better way.All your opinions are welcomed :)


sriram vangara said...

Hey very good one!!! Probably I should have posted one as well.. coz.. I just completed my 4 years of IT experience...What an experience.. Worth not more than peanuts once Iam outside the "virtual world"..:)...But on the flip side...yes, we have left the oasis in the chase of a mirage...But this chase will lead us to another oasis where again things might be happy for a while at least...But then will this chase be ever complete? And don't you think that once this chase is complete we will run out of any excitement in life? So keep up the hopes alive...Even the Great Sahara has the Amazon and Nile close by:)

everythinginmymind said...

hi amar...
nice one, though i did not put this on my blog, u will find one on the same topic...

sarvani said...

and ya... i guess this is the situation in any profession, any industry... Even if one is not working, one can find a hundred reasons to be unhapy..... But the only way to keep oneself happy is to keep the sirits up - always and forever... Realize what u want from life and pursue it with real passion...( I know this is all easier said than done... coz i am still in contemplating state as to what i want from life ;))

Amarnath Vangara said...

yes sarvani..i fully agree wih you..
might be the present blog is not meant for the guy whos high spirited :) but the essence of being spirited and sportive does plays a vital role in human life not only in proffessional but personal life too.