Thursday, April 19, 2007

HH Dwaraka Dheesh Visits.

Finally the day has arrived for which we all are waiting for.It was all devotional elecrticity filled in air when HH Swaroopanandendra swamiji of Dwaraka Peeth a religious prodigy of his kind visited our colony on behalf of ongoing Sankara Jayanthi celebrations.It was a marvellous experience when we all received him in following traditional customs amidst strong security.Inspite of having ten nines of age one can see a glory in his eyes and willingness to fight.The charm and glory dancing in his face defamed the beauty of luxurious ornaments which he was wearing.The vast personality when explaining the insane activity of government demolishing the bridge to media,resembled a feary tiger roaring to let off predators from its cubs.

I witnessed disapproval of the crowd present over there regarding demolition of "Sethu Bridge" constucted by Lord Shriram for Mother of the Universe Seetha.I suddenly experinced a high voltage passing in me when the crowd expressed their devotion by shouting "Har Har Mahadev" and "Ram chandra Prabhu ki Jai".

When media people were covering all the incident i didn't wasted any second pulling out my Sony Ericsson 3.2 cybershot fitted to dhoti and capture as many pics as possible .As i studied Vedas a bit,i had a pleasure of welcoming swamiji so called as "Poorna Kumbha Swagatham".I sat beside him and listened to his gracious words which will echo in my ears throught out my life.

It was certainly a memorable moment in my life when persons who sacrifised their lives for a noble sake and has greatest ablilities at its heights who can convince a layman to a scholar with exceptional intelligence display and propagating Adisankara's Philosophy"Aham Bhramhasmi" and "Bramhaivaahamasmi".


TES Chakravarthy said...

Hi Amarnath,
You might have had an experience of life, the experience of spiritual divinity. Those kind of people know the exact way to reach the Ultimate called Perumaal, and from them we get the path to follow. The glory in his face speaks about him and his divine power.
I also disapprove on the construction of the Sethu Bridge. In these days, where God existence is questioned by many, we have only a few proofs to show, and that is one of them.
Nice that you get to meet these kind of people frequently. The ambiance always matters !!
What do you mean by 'willingness to fight' in this passage! Please elaborate it ??
I would like you to write something on what is spirituality in your terms. What should one do to attain the Ultimate. I would like to know your perspective on this !!

Amarnath Vangara said...

hi chakri,
Felt happy to find comment from you.At the outset i would like to make it clear that Ambience certainly matters,but only to a extent.Thereafter its in your hands to achieve the Ultimate.
Saints like 'Aadi Sankaracharya' were walking gods and considered as reincarnation of lord shiva.How cruel may be the odds and hardships, he faced them sportively and showed a sign of their "willingnes to fight" for establishment of "sanathana and vaideeki dharma".He showed an unreachable heights of patience towards all the 'paashanda mathaas' and redirected them to the advaitha philosophy.He made them aware that their respective ways of upasanas were mere steps to reach the temple of "Nirguna Nirakara Sachidaanada Parabhrahma".
Spirituality in my terms is,
'soham' i.e. saha+aham .That literallay means 'He is myself'.(He indicates Brahma).Pprior to attain this self-impression one has to know who am i or atleast make an attempt.Not necessarily go to jungles and grow metres long beard.
Develop the four important things as a fundamental elgibity to know who are you.Often called as "sadhana chatushtaya sampathi".
1)'sama damaadi shatka sampathi' i.e, develop tolerence,patience,divinity..etc six benefic qualities.
2)"AatmaNaatma viveka"...the quality of separating 'Nitya' and 'Anitya'.
3)"sadaachaara sampathi"--being pure at all times in all ways.
4)"Mumukshutvam" --desire on 'Moksha'.These are the qualities one shud possess or atleast one shud try to attain the Ultimate,if not in this definetly in next birth.

U might find my reply very lengthy,but i tried all my best to cut short my answer and present in a shortest possible apolgies for that..:)
anf feel free if are stuck at somewhere in my reply..ur comments are welcomed..