Monday, March 22, 2010

Journey with Music

Loc: Chennai. Date: Jan23rd 2010 Sunday. Time: Morning 9:00 am IST. Occasion: Tyagaraja Jayanthi.

My aunt was an active member of an association that conducts the function religiously every year without fail. I was been invited to sing few krithis of Tyagaraya by my aunt. Having heard the function is going to be conducted in a school auditorium, I initially thought the function would be as monotonous as they were organized in Hyderabad. A bunch of oldies who think they would spend their time in a routine way instead watching daily serials, and pass time discussing rotten gossips. Some seniors try mark their stamp not letting others to grow and pump all the money out as far they can. Anyways, this is a different story which I would brief in another blog.

I started learning and singing carnatic when I was in 3rd standard, at the age of 9 or 10. My mother happens to me my mentor, teacher and everything to me as far as carnatic music is concerned. She has provided a hard rock platform, strong enough to withstand harsh winds of Gamakas and slippery surfaces of Grahabhedhas

It was mind boggling when I witnessed 200 people turning on to the venue so devoutly, that too on Sunday morning 10:00 am. Children aged from 7 to 14 years displayed extra ordinary talent in percussions and singing

The air was filled with encouragement from gurus to their disciples on stage. Organizers made ample arrangements for accompanists and were fully equipped with all the instruments. It was 30 minutes that we have been allocated. It was my first time with full accompanists and they were marvelous with their own vayidyas. Me & my bro sang three kritis seamlessly starting with Ganesha prarthana krithi. Having been observing my Taala diligently accompanists and I ended the show even before I’m aware of the fact that 30 minutes were rolled off. The response from the audience was overwhelming and we were asked to attend the function and sing every year. Waiting for that big day when I do Alapana so called Manodharma in a striking manner. God give me courage, disclipline, knowledge and most importantly strength to come out of the clutches of Lethargy.


everythinginmymind said...
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T V Kalyan said...

Amarnath ji all the best with your journey! I hope this journey too helps you to realize the self :)

sriram vangara said...

Awesome ra...I wholeheartedly wish you a great sateisfaction in this pursuit of carnatic music...Have seen you from childhood..under utilizing ur potential including ur handwriting :)...I hope you will continue to perspire and strive in music..Amen!

Amarnath Vangara said...

@ Hari -- Your dream would certainly come true one day :)

Amarnath Vangara said...

@ Kalyan -- There are serveral ways to realize self. Indian classical music is one of the way.

Amarnath Vangara said...

@ Sriram -- Dude, I have checked on my handwriting way back. Those were my teachers who faced hard time understanding. I can't help :)

Bharad said...

yes. maestro in the making. let me know, we should host your program at, i will organize it there. btw, do you have any video uploaded to youtube or something?!

Amarnath Vangara said...

@Bharad -- Thanks for that! I'm waiting on Kiran for the mpeg video. However, I have some snaps captured on the occasion.

Dattu boy said...

Sri GuruBhyonamaha!!! Salutations to you sir,

for your devotion to the sadhan you have done till date...
Achieve heights with more humbleness
next time you ever go to such great dias do call me i will join you. atleast let me be as a devoted audience.

Amarnath Vangara said...

@ prabhakar -- Thank you. Sure, I would remember you to invite :)